Educación Física 2.0

Bienvenid@ a este espacio educativo sobre todo lo que envuelve a la Educación Física ¡Aprovéchalo, se ha creado para tu disfrute!


Hola alumn@! Bienvenido a este espacio que va a complementar las clases de Educación Física que recibas en el cole e instituto


Hola padres, madres, tutores o tutoras! Este espacio recoge el material con el que los alumn@s van a desarollar las clases de EF y también muchos contenidos que les van a ser de utilidad para enterderles y entendernos ;).


Hola compis! Este espacio abarca recursos educativos que te ayudarán en tu desarrollo profesional! ;)

Biblioteca Deportiva

Aquí podreís encontrar una recopilación de libros, desde mi parecer, muy interesantes sobre la Actividad Física, el Deporte y la Educación Física.


En este apartado encontrareis el calendario del año lectivo donde encontrareis las fechas más importantes del curso

Tutorías 2.0

En este apartado encontrareis la herramienta con la que realizaremos las tutorías on-line, cuando sea necesario


En este apartado podréis conocerme un poquito más!


Skating is a sport that is divided into several categories, some more known than others. indeed, the skating modalities are all characterized by the form or procedure followed for skating on the surface. 


Ice skating is a winter sport that consists of performing pirouettes, twists and stunts skating on a surface of ice, whether natural or artificial. Ice skating is practiced in enclosed spaces called pavilions or ice palaces that can count on bleachers where they can realize competitions of the different specialties of the skating on ice. During competitions, stunts are valued by judges who handle a scoring code. There are competitions both individual and couples.


Roller skating develops on surfaces other than ice, such as asphalt or parquet which in turn can have a plastic layer (polyurethane, resin, synthetic, etc.). Skating on wheels can be developed in specific places such as tracks or circuits, or in places enabled for the occasion (as happens with streets and highways in long distance tests).

The roller skates can be of two types: the classic, also known as quad, which has four wheels arranged in pairs on two axes, and the inline skate, which has a similar arrangement to the ice skates, replacing the blade by a guide that holds a variable number of wheels (between three and five) placed one after another.


Speed ​​skating is a sport that can be performed both on ice and on wheels.

Speed ​​skating on ice, takes place on an ice rink with elongated shape. It consists of carrying out a race on different distances, depending on the category. It's an Olympic sport. The races were the first sport that was practiced on the ice, and the country where more took place was in Holland, due to the great amount of channels that exist in this country due to the cold. Skating originated at first to transfer channels and frozen lakes and to be able to transport objects from one place to another. The cold of Holland and its great snow and frost, makes it one of the most important countries in this sport.

Speed ​​skating on wheels, is carried out on wheels in line and is one of the most developed modalities in the world competition. It is an aerobic sport that requires great physical ability on the part of its runners. In addition to having resistance to endure these races, it is necessary to have a strategy as in every competition to ensure the best possible position. Mental and physical ability are therefore very close.


The figure skating on ice consists of interpreting a piece of music while performing a series of exercises, whether turns, jumps, pirouettes, choreography ... This type of sport can be practiced individually as a couple. There is also synchronized skating and ice dancing. All these exercises will be valued by some judges and will be able to enjoy the performance all the public present in the stadium. The judges will take into account both the technical part and the artistic part. Individual tests can be both male and female.

Figure skating on ice is a winter sport, although it is usually practiced throughout the year. To carry out the competition skating requires a good physical condition. Skaters must carry out very hard training to achieve their goals.


The are two types of hockey by wheels (or on ice)

Ice hockey: usually played with a goalkeeper and five field players. The goalkeeèr uses a special protective suit and can stop the disc with the body and the hockey stick. It is considered as one of the most aggressive sports due to the intensity and speed of this. Continuous substitution of one player for another is allowed. The USA is one of the countries with more followers of this sport. The players use skates that slide through the ice thanks to blades. The used disc is of rubber, is the substitute of the ball in the field hockey. Hockey sticks are also replaced by sticks that end in a curved shape to be able to hit the disc.

Skating hockey: Roller hockey is held on a general runway. Roller skates and hockey sticks are used. In this case they do not take the disc to the opposite goal but a ball